EBP教育に関する研究は、実態調査や教育介入研究をはじめとした定量的な研究が多く発表されていますが、そのような中、EBP教育を受けたparamedicine students の記録を用いて、EBPを学ぶことについてどのような要因が影響しているのかを分析した研究が、Wilsonらによって発表されました (Wilson et al, 2021).
まず、この論文の "Dimensions and variation in students’ experiences and conceptions of learning about EBP in the literature research activity" (Table 3) では、3つの dimension of experience (※) と4つのカテゴリ(Category 1 (least sophisticated) -Category 4 (most sophisticated)が設定されました。
(※)Dimension of experience
A. Processes needed to frame and answer a question by searching literature
B. Production and nature of medical research knowledge
C. Ways in which medical research knowledge is integrated with practice
A - Recognises the need for critical analysis in judging which research findings to believe
B - Recognises uncertainty as inherent to medical knowledge, and knowledge as dynamic and therefore needing continual production
C - Recognises need to critically combine scientific knowledge with clinical experience (own and others) and patient’s unique context
このCategory4では、学生同士の学びの相互作用によって得られたであろう結果が多く含まれていたことが述べられています.これは”Evidence for the value of social learning opportunities” として、次のように述べられていました.(本文より一部抜粋)
The more sophisticated conceptions represented by the right-hand columns in Table 3 were sometimes explicitly described by students as having arisen as a result of peer interactions. Because the systematic review was conducted in groups, students had the opportunity to discover that their peers had different interpretations of the same findings. It appeared that this sometimes led students to see that simply finding a relevant research paper did not necessarily resolve a question. Those students who recognized the need for critical judgment and valued EBP often did so because they observed different responses to research from their peers or linked unit activities with their experiences in placement in ways that provided them with a contextual understanding of research.
ID48: … having several different members in the research group working on the same project has made me really appreciate the different ways in which other people view, gather and interpret research. I had not previously thought that practical research information would become so animated by different views, beliefs and opinions.
ID77: I have also learned that different people interpret studies differently as well, which surprised me, as people in my group, although reading the same studies had slightly different learning experiences from these studies.
EBPにおいて ”evidence”の理解は欠かせないわけですが、仮に同じ文献を読んでいても、人によって解釈が異なることを学ぶことは、EBPの文脈で研究に関する学びを深めるうえでは重要な意味をもちます.
例えば、研究に関する学習というと、「こういうときは、こういう研究デザインが適切だ、こういう分析方法が適切だ」という、研究の厳密性に焦点が置かれがちです.EBPの文脈においても、研究の質を吟味するうえでは、そのような議論も必要ではありますが、EBPでより重要となるのは、そのことが臨床での意思決定の根拠となる情報としてどのように影響するのか?です.これは唯一の正解があるわけではなく、まさにEBPの観点からのcritical appraisalが求められる場面です.
EBPのcritical appraisal skillsは、ひとりで論文を読んで学ぶだけではなく、他者の存在の重要性を示唆している記述ではないでしょうか.
Wilson A, et al. Factors affecting paramedicine students' learning about evidence-based practice: a phenomenographic study. BMC Med Educ. 2021;21(1):45. doi:10.1186/s12909-021-02490-5